Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This and That: Dance!

Two of my close friends got married this weekend and the hubbs and I were asked to dance at the reception.  I was very excited...I don't think Preeth felt the same way in the beginning, but he came around. 

Dancing is one of my passions from way back in the day.  I began dancing and performing at the age of 7 and it's been something special for me ever since.  It's my favorite way to de-stress...nothing compares to it!  One of the challenges of living in the city is adjusting to living in small spaces - but this also means sacrificing my dance space too.  We usually have to move the coffee table into the kitchen just to accommodate additional guests! So, I don't really get to dance that often these days.

Aside form space issues, this experience was fun for me because it was the first time Preeth and I danced together - aside from our first dance at our wedding.  It was fun for me to share this with him and to see him enjoy the process! He even came up with great ideas like adding a flash mob part at the end of the song.

We had a blast performing it! Here's the dance for y'all to see...hope you like it!

1 comment:

  1. LIKE...no wait...SUPER LIKE!!!! Thanks for dancing at my wedding, and taking part in the most memorable weekend of my life.
