Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NYC Masti: New York-isms

It's no secret that I love summer in this city.  There's so much to do and everyone is usually in such a great mood!  My theory is that people are so tired of being cooped up during the winter so when the weather is better they can't help but be happy.  As for me, well I try to get in as much fun as I can so the memories keep me warm during the cold winter months.

Here are some New York-isms that I've experienced in the past couple of know, random things that, for the most part, are unique to this crazy city I live enjoy!

Peace on Wall Street
Here we have dedicated individuals who are doing their part help the US economy by meditating across from the Stock Exchange.  This happened shortly after the stock market drama a couple of weeks ago. It really was quite a sight to the crowd of people rushing to go from point A to point B there was a group of people who were able to be still and at peace in that moment.  Odd and out of place as it was, it was comforting to see.  Though I do have to say, I wouldn't sit there because I know for a fact that's where a lot of dogs relieve themselves.  :-/

Checking out the artwork

Fine, well technically this next thing isn't unique to New York, but it just feels New Yorky to me.  I went to my very first art gallery recently...see, New Yorky!  A close friend's sister was a part of a traveling exhibit so a group of us went out to show our support.  It was really neat to see all the different mediums artists use to express themselves.  For example, our friend's pieces combined a number of techniques including stitching!   Also, the exhibit had a South Asian theme to it so that made it even more special for me.
With the talented artist (in white)

Food on Wheels
Teriyaki Balls
Food trucks are a fun way to experience New York culture via yummy treats.  So when I found out that there was a food truck festival down the street from me, I knew I wanted to check it out!  It was a lot of fun.  There were all sorts of creative options.  From Jamaican meat patties to custom ice cream sandwiches, the festival had it all!  The biggest challenge for me was deciding on what I wanted to try.  There were some definite hits like the spicy pickles and the Teriyaki balls...and there were some misses as well.  I was really excited to try out the Dumpling Rikshaw, but unfortunately, it was a disappointment.  I tried their veg dumpling so I can't vouch for the other varieties they have.  I guess I have high dumpling standards because I couldn't eat more than a bite.  One of my favorite things was the fresh pickles!  They had regular and spicy...and boy, they meant spicy.  They made up for the dumplings for sure!

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